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Produkte zum Begriff Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy MBCT:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    CBT – what it is, how it works, and how to use it. Cognitive behavioural therapy (or CBT) delivers powerful tools you can put to work to dramatically improve your life. In this book, psychologist Dr Stephen Briers clearly explains how CBT works, gives you plenty of exercises to help put the theory into practice and reveals its effectiveness through stories from people, just like you, who have used CBT to turn their lives around. Understand what CBT is, its methods and models Put CBT to work to improve your mind and your life Build practical, step-by-step strategies for tackling any problem Learn how to overcome addiction and other destructive habits The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    CBT – what it is, how it works, and how to use it.Cognitive behavioural therapy (or CBT) delivers powerful tools you can put to work to dramatically improve your life.In this book, psychologist Dr Stephen Briers clearly explains how CBT works, gives you plenty of exercises to help put the theory into practice and reveals its effectiveness through stories from people, just like you, who have used CBT to turn their lives around.   Understand what CBT is, its methods and models  Put CBT to work to improve your mind and your life  Build practical, step-by-step strategies for tackling any problem  Learn how to overcome addiction and other destructive habits

    Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Smith Pasqualini, Marcia: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for People with Parkinson's Disease and Caregivers
    Smith Pasqualini, Marcia: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for People with Parkinson's Disease and Caregivers

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for People with Parkinson's Disease and Caregivers , The need for mental health support within the Parkinson's disease (PD) community has never been greater, yet many practitioners lack the knowledge or experience to address the unique challenges associated with PD. This book serves as a practical guide for mental health professionals to assist individuals with PD and caregivers through the use of cognitive- behavioral therapy techniques, with the goal of enhancing their well-being and quality of life. The book includes a review of information about PD and mental health, and four structured group programs designed to address issues that are common in people with PD and caregivers: - Coping with stress and illness - Communicating about PD - Emotional expression in PD - Interventions for caregivers The programs presented in this book can be utilized as they are, personalized for individual use, or adapted for research protocols. Additionally, the information can serve as a valuable resource for people with PD and their family members, who can learn about PD and be introduced to evidence-based strategies that can be used conjointly with professionals to improve their experience of living with PD. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 34.90 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Brilliant Mindfulness
    Brilliant Mindfulness

    Mindfulness has gained huge support over the past decade and has moved from being an Eastern Buddhist practice to a mainstream Western intervention. This is the most simple and practical guide to the science and practice of mindfulness–a way of being scientifically proven to help reduce stress, improve mood and thinking, and help you cope better with whatever life throws at you. This book gives you what you need to know, quickly and in the most easily absorbed way. The book is illustrated throughout to help you learn the different meditation positions and comes complete with a CD for guided practice.

    Preis: 10.69 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie wird Therapy gespielt?

    Therapy ist ein Brettspiel, das mit 2-4 Spielern gespielt wird. Jeder Spieler übernimmt die Rolle eines Therapeuten und versucht, Patienten mit verschiedenen psychischen Störungen zu behandeln. Das Spiel besteht aus mehreren Runden, in denen die Spieler abwechselnd Karten ziehen und Entscheidungen treffen müssen, um Punkte zu sammeln. Am Ende gewinnt der Spieler mit den meisten Punkten. Therapy ist ein strategisches und taktisches Spiel, das sowohl Glück als auch Geschick erfordert.

  • Was bedeutet Plant Based?

    "Was bedeutet Plant Based?" Plant Based bedeutet, dass die Ernährung hauptsächlich auf pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln basiert, wie Gemüse, Obst, Vollkornprodukte, Hülsenfrüchte, Nüsse und Samen. Es schließt tierische Produkte wie Fleisch, Milchprodukte und Eier aus oder reduziert diese deutlich. Plant Based Ernährung wird oft mit einer gesünderen Lebensweise in Verbindung gebracht, da sie reich an Ballaststoffen, Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen und Antioxidantien ist. Viele Menschen entscheiden sich für eine Plant Based Ernährung aus ethischen Gründen, um Tierleid zu vermeiden, oder aus Umweltschutzgründen, da die Produktion von pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln oft ressourcenschonender ist.

  • Was ist die Bedeutung von "based"?

    "Based" ist ein Slang-Ausdruck, der eine Person beschreibt, die authentisch, ehrlich und unabhängig ist. Es wird oft verwendet, um jemanden zu loben, der seine eigenen Überzeugungen und Werte hat und sich nicht von anderen beeinflussen lässt. Der Begriff wurde populär durch den Rapper Lil B, der sich selbst als "Based God" bezeichnet.

  • Was bedeutet "based" auf Englisch umgangssprachlich?

    Umgangssprachlich bedeutet "based" auf Englisch, dass jemand eine starke Meinung oder Überzeugung zu einem bestimmten Thema hat und diese auch offen und selbstbewusst äußert. Es kann auch bedeuten, dass jemand sich stark mit einer bestimmten Ideologie oder Gruppe identifiziert.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy MBCT:

  • Cognitive Psychology
    Cognitive Psychology

    Cognitive Psychology is well-written, humorous, and remains the most comprehensive and balanced text in the area of undergraduate cognition. MacLin and MacLin, inheriting the textbook from the late Robert L. Solso, boldly revised and reorganised the 8th Edition to reflect emerging trends in the field, while retaining the strengths that made it one of the most popular texts among students and professors. The text features a sequential model of human cognition from sensation to perception, to attention, to memory, to higher-order cognition, and features new cutting-edge coverage of consciousness, cognitive neuroscience, memory and forgetting, and evolutionary psychology. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Working with Mindfulness
    Working with Mindfulness

    Working with Mindfulness will show you how to apply the transformative power of mindfulness to your busy working life. With simple, time effective tools and practices, you'll discover how to: Improve your resilience whilst reducing stress Increase your productivity, performance and efficiency Enhance your decision making, problem solving, delegating and prioritising skills Develop healthy working relationships with colleagues and clients  Based on the groundbreaking science of mindfulness, and explained by two eminent Psychologists, you'll discover how mindfulness can help you create a healthy working life and boost your confidence to excel in business. Be calm, be focused, be mindful. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Working with Mindfulness
    Working with Mindfulness

    'Working with Mindfulness is an engaging and practical guide to reducing stress, transcending setbacks and enhancing performance at work. With more than 50 mindfulness exercises, it’s a perfect introduction to a more fulfilling way of working.’Arianna Huffington, Editor-in-Chief of The Huffington Post and author of The Sleep Revolution ‘Full of easy-to-use ways to bring the power of mindfulness into the workplace. If every business used this book, the world would be a much better place.' Kevin L. Polk, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist and ACT Matrix Trainer, The Psychological Flexibility Group  Stay calm, feel focused, and get more done – harness the power of mindfulness to change the way you work forever.  Working with Mindfulness will show you how to apply the transformative power of mindfulness to your busy working life. With simple, time effective tools and practices, you'll discover how to: •    Improve your resilience whilst reducing stress•    Increase your productivity, performance and efficiency •    Enhance your decision making, problem solving, delegating and prioritising skills•    Develop healthy working relationships with colleagues and clients Based on the groundbreaking science of mindfulness, and explained by two eminent Psychologists, you'll discover how mindfulness can help you create a healthy working life and boost your confidence to excel in business. Be calm, be focused, be mindful.

    Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Mindfulness Habit, The
    Mindfulness Habit, The

    Build your calm, work with purpose, live your life.A step-by-step mindfulness coaching programme so you can make mindfulness part of your everyday routine and better manage stress, anxiety and insecurity. The Mindfulness Habit provides an 8-week, peer reviewed mindfulness course alternating with chapters that tackle practical workplace challenges in a relatable and compassionate way. Topics include working with uncertainty and insecurity; stress and burnout; anxiety; switching off from work, and how to deal with difficult communications. You will also discover how mindfulness can support diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace."I cant do mindfulness. My mind is too busy, I cant sit still, I just dont have the TIME!" The reasons you think you cant, are the same reasons why you should give mindfulness a go.Lisa Wren specialises in teaching people who are seriously busy, overwhelmed, stressed out, or in full-on meltdown because life is rushing past at a ridiculous pace. People who like to learn and progress, who value career and life, but who cant seem to ever catch-up, or get on top of things....or who yearn for just 5 minutes of peace (is that too much to ask?!).Mindfulness can help because your mind is busy, because your body is agitated, and because you dont have time. In fact, you dont need to find much time at all no longer than the time it has taken you to read this paragraph.The insights and information shared in The Mindfulness Habit can make a meaningful difference to how you feel.Lisa provides valuable knowledge, and ethically sound perspectives and practices that can help you to navigate the often-difficult relationship between mental health and the demands placed upon us at work and in life. So much of what is suffered is unspoken, and you might assume that feeling persistently stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, or exhausted is just something you must put up with. This book shows how you can have a productive and successful working life whilst also feeling calmer, healthier, and more in control.The Mindfulness Habit blends established mindfulness curricula with other approaches in positive psychology and introduces active awareness mindfulness without meditation which can bring mindfulness directly into your everyday life. This unique synthesised approach provides the option of different routes into mindfulness: there is a path to mindfulness waiting for you in this book. 

    Preis: 15.73 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was ist die Bedeutung von "based" und "redpilled"?

    "Based" ist ein Begriff, der ursprünglich aus der Hip-Hop-Kultur stammt und jemanden beschreibt, der authentisch und unabhängig denkt und handelt. Es wird oft verwendet, um jemanden zu loben, der sich nicht von der Meinung anderer beeinflussen lässt. "Redpilled" stammt aus dem Film "The Matrix" und bezieht sich auf jemanden, der die Wahrheit erkennt und aus den Illusionen der Gesellschaft erwacht. In der Online-Kultur wird "redpilled" oft verwendet, um jemanden zu beschreiben, der seine politischen oder gesellschaftlichen Ansichten radikal verändert hat, oft in Richtung einer kritischen Haltung gegenüber Mainstream-Meinungen.

  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Cognitive Science in Osnabrück und Bochum?

    Der Hauptunterschied zwischen Cognitive Science in Osnabrück und Bochum liegt in den Schwerpunkten und Forschungsschwerpunkten. In Osnabrück liegt der Fokus auf der interdisziplinären Erforschung von Kognition und Kommunikation, während Bochum einen Schwerpunkt auf der Erforschung von Kognition und Neurobiologie hat. Darüber hinaus können die Lehrpläne und Schwerpunkte der beiden Programme variieren.

  • Gibt es eine App wie BetterHelp Therapy auf Deutsch?

    Ja, es gibt mehrere Apps für Online-Therapie auf Deutsch, die ähnliche Dienste wie BetterHelp Therapy anbieten. Einige Beispiele sind die Apps "Selfapy", "HelloBetter" und "TherapyApp". Diese Apps ermöglichen es Nutzern, mit lizenzierten Therapeuten online zu kommunizieren und Unterstützung bei verschiedenen psychischen Problemen zu erhalten.

  • Würdet ihr euch eher als "woke" oder "based" einschätzen?

    Als KI-Modell habe ich keine persönlichen Überzeugungen oder Meinungen, daher kann ich mich weder als "woke" noch als "based" einschätzen. Meine Aufgabe ist es, Informationen bereitzustellen und Fragen zu beantworten, basierend auf den Daten, die mir zur Verfügung stehen.

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